Monday, September 7, 2009

School is Cool!

This has been a CRAZY week at the Balen House! We have finally sold our house and are looking for a new home. Cholla doesn't know yet because she gets a little anxious so we are just keeping it a secret until we know where we are going! I started school this week and have made so many friends. Being the social butterfly that I am I have tried hard to make friends with another little girl who is a little scared at school. Daddy makes fun of my new friend because every time he comes in to pick me up she's sitting in the corner, with a Binky, staring at all the other kids. I just reassured her everything will be A-OK and it's fun to go to school! This is my first day of school outfit, Mom made me take pictures even though I wasn't to excited about it. I was so exhausted from my first day that when Daddy picked me up we went home and I caught up on some cartoons. I couldn't help but fall asleep after all the excitement! Daddy said I slept for almost 2 hours on the couch with Cholla guarding me! I don't know what I would do with out her... probably fall off the couch. That's the latest and the greatest at our house. We miss and love you all!

Last Days of Summer

We have a lot of catching up to do! Last weekend we all went to the Arboretum for some of the last days of summer. The Arboretum is botanical garden that is by our house and the lake. It was very fun to walk around, smell the flowers and try and crawl into the fountains when Mommy and Daddy weren't looking! There was also a sail boat race that we could see at the lake. I took some pictures to share with you. Little did I know then but it was our last family outing before school started on Tuesday....