Friday, May 21, 2010

Animal Noises

Drew is learning her animals and what sounds they make. She is off of school for almost 2 weeks and then back for the summer camp. She is talking SO much and learning new things all the time. About 3 days ago we had a complete sentense, "I see cars." She loves to point out cars and tell us their color. As we approach her second birthday it makes me know just how lucky we are to have such a healthy, happy, smart and beautiful daughter!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Drew-B STILL loves her Bath Time!


What can I say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree!

I know, I know

So we all know I'm not the BIGGEST cat lover in the world, but I AM proud to announce the newest member of the Balen Bunch.... "Kit Kat" SO original I know, but with a dog named Cholla we needed to have one pet that Drew could say the name! Kit Kat came on our back porch about a month ago. She was so tiny, we are guessing about 7 weeks old. She spent the night in the office and didn't destroy anything. She got fed tuna for 3 days until we decided that she was definitely going to be a permanent part of our family. She spends about half of her time inside and half of her time outside but she gets whatever she wants... seems to be a common trend around here with our child and pets! Best of all Drew can carry her around in any way... some times it even looks a little painful for Kit Kat but she never shows a claw or tries to pull away. We LOVE our Kit Kat!

BAAAAADDDD blogers.....

Drew is at school, which she loves so much, so I thought that I would "help poo" ("help you" in Drew-ville) Drew get a blog or two out there for friends and family, if there's any one left that follows us!
James' birthday was last week, April 13th! Auntie Mare Bear was kind enough to let Mama and Dada sneak out for a bit to eat to celebrate. Drew got her Dada a new tool "box" for lack of better words which he loved so much. While we were gone Drew and Meredith planted 2 plants, 1 rosemary plant for James and 1 flower pot for Drew. The plant above is Drew's, she is VERY proud of it and carries it around ALL the time :o)
Drew is really turning into a little horticulturalist. At Easter she got a sun flower Sesame Street kit from her Grandma Nina and Grandpa Bob. They are about 6 inches now and need to be planted in the yard. Drew just hasn't picked the perfect spot yet. We will update the plants progress!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Will Work for Food!

Drew loves to help herself into her highchair, shouting "Nana" and climbing! She loves to eat!

Drew is Teaching Anatomy Classes!

We were lucky enough to get a "Flip" video camera for Christmas so we will be able to upload videos of who else... ME! I have been learning many new words. A couple on my list are:

Mouth, Nose, Eyes, Dada, Mama, Good Girl (aka Cholla), Hi, Bye, Peeze (please), ball, dog, well to tell you the true, the list goes on and on! I also love to sing the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Wheels on the Bus and The Alphebet Song. I let mom and dad sing it so that they don't see quite how smart I am.

I have become very helpful by climbing in to my own high chair by myself, putting my own dirty diapers in the trash and now when I'm done reading a book I put it back on my shelf before we read another one.

Like mom says, "I'm SO advanced!"

Love, Drew-B