Friday, November 13, 2009

Nana's, Mud and Candy

I love Nana's, Mud and Candy!!!!

Boo Balen

We know it's been a long time and I blame Mom of course! Here's the update from Halloween! I was a CrAzY monkey for my first time to go trick or treating! There was a carnival at my school where Mommy and Daddy participated by decorating Dad's truck for a "Trunk or Treat" event. Everyone kept asking Mommy what "he" was a mouse or a monkey.... and I didn't know who they were talking about because of course I'm a "she." I told mom maybe next year I should be a fairy or a princess! The other thing I got to do is carve a pumpkin! Our new neighbor Cate was so kind to get me my first pumpkin and Mom and I carved it together. The stringy stuff on the inside was NASTY and I did not like the way it felt at all in my hands. Mom had to get me a spoon to scoop it all out! We had a ton of fun that day, Thanks Cate!